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OpenShiiva |
OpenShiiva is a fast and simple, single pass, video and audio, vob to mp4 converter. Some features:
The syncing is quite good. For those who remember the Finding Nemo trailer, it does it without problem. And it also auto-deinterlaces it very well. As far as I know, OpenShiiva is the only app able to sync on the fly (but since it is open sourced...)
Some quick notes about OpenShiiva:
Features OpenShiiva most probably won't support (look at MediaPipe for these kind of features):
OpenShiiva wouldn't exist without these librairies:
OpenShiiva is meant to give an alternative to other, closed source, commercial software. It is GPLed, giving back to the community. (If you can code, you can help, if you can't, you can help too - documentation and graphism).
OpenShiiva v0.8.9 is released. You can download it here. Xvid lib updated to today's cvs version. Small gui fixes. A new icon (thank you Henrik Wannheden!).
I should also add that OpenShiiva is kind of a dead project currently, as I simply don't have enough time for it. If anyone is interested in maintaining it, please contact me. The design makes it difficult to add major features, but some bug fixing (especially with divx/3ivx encoding) would be nice.
OpenShiiva v0.8.8 is released. You can download it here. Xvid lib updated to december 1 cvs version. Better progress indicator, thanks to a fellow coder.
OpenShiiva v0.8.7 is released. You can download it here. Main update in this release are: xvid dev-api-4 cvs snapshot of today, ac3 normalizing, completely new gui.
OpenShiiva v0.8.6 is released. You can download it here. Main update in this release are: recent XviD version, 2-pass encoding, QuickTime files on input (though only DV streams were actively tested). Gui fixes. Though reading from QuickTime files was not planned, I found myself with DV material and decided to use my own app...
OpenShiiva v0.8.5 is released. You can download it here. Main update in this release are: can use any even size, can change displayed size, added a temporal denoiser, changed the gui, fixed a lot of bugs (and a few in the subtitle decoder, which should behave better now). Probably added a few. Limits the codec choice to Apple's mpeg4 for audio and 3ivx/DivX for video. Fixed xvid altivec: identical output than unoptimized version. Finally, Regulus made a nice documentation. Read it.
OpenShiiva v0.8.4 is released. You can download it here. Main update in this release are: using Apple's aac engine, new scaling algorithms, mp4 file optimization and support for any Quicktime codec. Now for aac encoding, this has been decided because it sounds better, it is faster, and even possible better sync (the old resampler introduced problems). The new scaling algorithms: fast bilinear, bilinear, bicubic, experimental, neirest neighbor, area averaging, luma bicubic / chroma bilinear (default), gaussian, sinc, lanczos, bicubic spline. For mp4 file optimization: moves the control information from the end of file to the beginning (let's you play a streamed file), reinterleaves the samples so that samples for a given instant in time are colocated, and finally removes any free blocks, so the optimized file can actually be smaller. Now about support for any QuickTime codec: while the app will let you choose any codec, obviously it will not work for a non-mpeg4 codec. It was found to work with 3ivx and Divx, though not Apple's mpeg4. Also the app will also let you chose any audio codec, but again, obviously only mpeg4 audio will work correctly. Please use with QuickTime 6.3.
OpenShiiva v0.8.3 is released. You can download it here. Sorry for the long wait, but dealing with the end of the semester: exams, etc. Fixed subtitles color bug, fixed no scaling bug, added ability to decode audio without reencoding it (to get sync right while allowing you to use another app to encode audio: decoding audio is really fast and almost doesn't affect processing speed) and finally a black and white mode for these old movie you have (Seven Samurai comes to mind). Xvid altivec and audio resampling are now off by default since I had report of quality problems and sync problems respectively.
OpenShiiva v0.8.2 is released. You can download it here. Main features of this update is support for the 3ivx codec, and support for subtitles, which was a requested feature.
OpenShiiva v0.8.1 is released. You can download it here. It is about 50% faster for those who own a G4, and about 40% on top of that for those with dual cpus. A few bugs where solved, syncing should be better, better support for large files on input. You can also now select the ac3 track you want. Dynamic range compression has also been added for audio.
A problem was found with QuickTime, affecting sync. To solve: either use VLC, or using QuickTime Pro, reexport to mp4, choosing passthrough for both audio and video. Currently investigating...
First official release. The software is very young (3 days!) but it is already working great, with lots of features. You can download it here.
Screenshot of v0.8.8.